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Further Information
Equal Opportunities
In accordance with our Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) policy, we provide equal opportunities to any employee or job applicant and do not discriminate either directly or indirectly because of race, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, religion or belief, marital or civil partnership status, age, disability, or pregnancy and maternity.

To assess how successful this policy is, we have set up a system of monitoring all job applications. We would therefore be grateful if you would complete the questions on this form. We have asked for your name to enable us to monitor applications at shortlisting and appointment, as well as application stage.

All information is treated in confidence and will not be seen by staff directly involved in the appointment. The questionnaire will be detached from your application form, stored separately and used only to provide statistics for monitoring purposes. There is no obligation on you to provide information. All applicants will be treated the same whether or not they provide this information. 

If you have any questions, please contact recruitment@jcca.co.uk. Thank you for helping us by providing your information.

If you want to talk to someone about support for your condition or reasonable adjustments, please contact recruitment@jcca.co.uk.